A Dryer Dose of Disney

Things to Consider when Planning to Travel to International Disney/Universal Parks

Jared Dryer Season 5 Episode 1

In this week's episode, Jared shares some thoughts on what to think about when planning to travel to international Disney and Universal Parks.

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A Dryer Dose of Disney has the top Disney and Universal tips and tricks and will make your vacation more enjoyable. Hosted by Jared Dryer, the Dryer family has over 100 trips to the Disney and Universal parks and they are experts in how to avoid the crowds, and the best paces to eat! They love to say "I Can Do This All Day" when talking about their love of the Disney and Universal Parks!

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On this week's episode of a Dryer Dose of Disney, Jared discusses things to consider when thinking about traveling internationally to a Disney or Universal Park. Intro Music Welcome to this week's episode of a Dryer Dose of Disney. I'm your host, Jared dryer. And welcome back. I know it's been a couple of weeks since we've had an episode out there and I do apologize for that. Like I said, on some of our last episodes, they're going to get a little bit of space between them going forward. And the reason is we are moving into a new series where we are talking about traveling internationally to different Disney parks. So we're going to be kicking off that series today, talking about what to think about when you're planning to travel internationally. And just some good food for thought when you're going to start that process. But as we go through this, we're going to talk then about each of the parks and where to go and where some cool things might be. But as we go through it, We're also going to be traveling there ourselves and giving you a recap of each one and we have to space those out. We can't do those each and every single week where we're just going to go back to back and go try all these different cool parks throughout. The entire world. So actually we're going to try to do a one or two a year over the next couple of years here. And hopefully in the next couple of years, we'll get a chance to get to each of the Disney parks. And we'll also talk to universal on this episode because there are some international universal parks as well. But we're going to talk you through our planning process, what we're thinking about when we're planning these vacations and just give you some ideas of things that you should probably be thinking about as well. And then we'll do an episode where we talk about our plan. So our next week we'll have another episode for you where we're talking about our plan for the first park that we're going to be going to. And I won't spoil that one for you yet. But we're going to be talking about that. And then once we get a chance to go to that park and that city we're then going to talk about when we get back our experience, what we liked, what we didn't like. And we'll probably talk about each of the parks that we went to as well, some of the other cool things in the city. So we'll get a handful of episodes out of each location that we go to. But like I said earlier, we're not going to be able to go to these back-to-back so we're going to have to spread them out. And then of course, in the meantime, as Disney releases new things, so obviously we've got a Tiana's is about ready to open up. In Florida, it'll be the summer. So hopefully we'll get to see that one when we're there this summer, as well as the revised splash mountain. We will be doing episodes on things like that. So we'll be updating you just on our normal things. As we go forward. So keep in mind, we will not have weekly episodes necessarily, but we will be loading episodes for you as quickly as we can. As we get new material to share with you guys, of course, you can go through our whole library of episodes. We've got over 80 of them out there right now that give you the best tips and tricks for all of the Disney parks and universal parks, as well as the best places to eat and how to save time and money at each of these places. So we encourage you to go listen to those. If you haven't listened to all of those yet. And then we do want to say if you want our absolute best Disney tip or trick ever. That is available right now on Patreon at our top tier. And we purposely put it at our top tier because we do not want the secret getting out there. We do not want it ruined for us or for those other people that may already know the secret. So we want to keep the population as small as possible. So we did put that out there at our top tier. So we do appreciate the support. You can find the link to Patreon down in the podcast description below or on YouTube and our description below. But we do want to thank you for your support of this show. Now, as always, we do ask wherever you're listening to us, find that pause button and click that subscribe button. So that way you're going to get this content delivered into your inbox. As we release these episodes, as well as you're going to have access to all the past content that's out there. So we've got some great stuff and then you can see over my shoulder, we've got the, I can do this all day gear. That's a really cool logo that has the captain America shield with the. The Disney castle in the middle and Mickey's head inside of that. And it says, obviously I can do this all day. Just like captain America says, so we love to wear this kind of merchandise around the parks. This is a logo that we use for our podcast, though. It is not branded with the podcast. So you don't need to worry about. Branding or anything like that, it's just a cool logo. You can find that on our Etsy shop that is down in the description below as well. So we encourage you to definitely go. Check that out and take a look at all the cool stuff there. So today, speaking of that, I can do this all day tip of the day. Cause that's where that logo came from. And that's why we do it. We actually have three. I can do this all day tips of the day today, which is insane. Most of our episodes, we only have one, there's been a couple occasions that we've done multiple. But this is one definitely today that we've got three really big, important tips for you. And then we'll continue as we go and travel internationally and we learn best practices. We're going to keep updating you with some of those best tips and tricks for the parks. And we'll keep having those. I can do this all day tip of the day for you at the end of the episodes. So like I said, three of them today, so let's kick it off though, by talking about traveling to international parks around the world, specifically, Disney has four locations with additional parks. So you've got a Disneyland Paris, which was formerly known as Euro Disney in the nineties. When that opened up. You've got Tokyo, Disneyland and Disney sea. You've got Shanghai and you've got Hong Kong. So you've got four really cool locations. If you want to travel internationally to go see all the Disney parks and then for universal, because we do love universal studios as well. We do want to talk to you about going to their parks, which are going to be out in Tokyo. So not far from Disney Tokyo either. So you can hit both in one trip Beijing and Singapore. So really cool opportunities to go see some really cool places internationally. If you want to go to the parks, we absolutely love going to parks. So we are very excited about our first trip, which we'll talk to you about on our next episode, on how we've been planning that out and where we're at, because we've already got it all purchased, ready to go. Obviously we haven't gone yet. But we're going to talk to you about that process and walk you through that on the next episode. So we want to talk about the things today that you should be considering when you're going to be planning a trip to go international to one of the Disney or universal parks. And first the most basic thing is you want to think about your passports. You obviously need a passport to travel internationally. From the United States. So we encourage you start that as early as possible. That should be step. Number one is getting your passport secured and ready to go. It does take some time to get a passport ready. So you do have to do an application. You can fill it out online, it'll print than offline, and you'll be able to take the documents into your appointment. You need to go get passport photos that can be done at a host of different places. Like Walgreens Sam's club Walmart, a lot of different places. Do. Passport photos. But you need to get this passport application done. You need to set an appointment, you need to get your photos, and then you take it all together in with your supporting documentation, like your birth certificate. Your driver's license, marriage license. Maybe if your name's changed recently but you need to take all these things into your appointment then. Once you do your appointment, that goes actually really quick. They just verify all your information. You're going to sign in front of them. They're going to notarize it. They're going to make sure you are who you say you are. And then they're going to take it from there. Usually that's done at a post office. That's what we have found to be easiest here in Denver is to schedule with a local post office. And then they ship off all that information. To the us government to get you a passport issued. That can take months. We've done it multiple times within our family. And the reason is, adult passports are good for 10 years. Children's passports are good for five. And so we've done it a couple of times for our daughter now, and then we've each had to renew ours. At least once since we've gotten them. We've done this, like I said, multiple times now. When you do that if you have a passport already in your renewing, you do need to surrender the old one. So you are going to lose your passport for a period of time while that's in process until you get your new one back. And I can say on average, it takes about six to eight weeks to get the new passport in. They do say online, it can take up to three to six months depending on your situation. So do know that our good rule of thumb is just playing on three months. That's what we've always said and always planned for an experience. Like I said, we usually get them back in about six weeks. But we always planned for three months. So we always try to find that time of year when, Hey, we're not going to be traveling. Or if we know we're going to be traveling, then we need to get it done right now. Then I better at least have three months before that trip happens. We do have some family members that are traveling with us on a upcoming trip that's out of the country. Not to Disney by the way. But when we talked to them about it, they said, oh man, we didn't get our daughter's passport yet. So we encourage them. Hey, go get it rushed. Cause you can't do a rush. Passport and they got that all done and taken care of, and they got that back, like in two or three weeks. So they got it really quick. Which was really fortunate for them. So we're all set for that trip. So you do have options to rush it. It is going to cost you a little bit more money but you need to be acting really quick if you've got a trip coming up in the immediate future. So definitely step number one is get the passport. Like we said they last for 10 years for adults. So once you have it, you've got plenty of time to plan a trip and get everything put together and bought, purchased, and then traveled. And then for kids that are good for five years another rule of thumb to think about when you're thinking about your passport. Is most countries don't love it. If you're getting close to the expiration date on your passport. And the reason is if something happens you get hurt. They have a lot of countries have a 90 day window before you have to get a visa. 90 days is a good rule of thumb for most countries cruises. It's usually within six months know that if you're getting close to the expiration date, you might as well just go get it switched over anyway. So that way you don't have to hassle with it or have to argue with anyone. So let's say you are exactly six months out. You're traveling. You're now the custom agent in a foreign country. And they say, we don't like this because you're too close to your expiration date. Now you're stuck. So we recommend if you're getting close, go get that passport taken care of that is your number one priority. When you're thinking about traveling internationally. Get it done, get it renewed, get it purchased and get it into your possession before you travel. Okay. So passports. Number two, we encourage you when you're looking at these international destinations and we'll give you some tips as to when you should go to which one. But when you're looking at these international destinations, You want to check for the travel requirements? So once you've settled on where you want to go, you want to Google it and just say, what are the requirements for getting into this country? Or. Are there any stipulations? So obviously during COVID, there were a lot of stipulations about vaccinations and wearing masks and things like that in different countries. Right now we're in 2024. A lot of that's been lifted and it's pretty easy to go to and from these countries. But if you go to those pages, you can read about all the different alerts that are out there in the world. Right now you can read about any kind of dangers that you may encounter, but through you're also going to see the requirements. So they'll tell you about how long you could be there without a visa. Any requirements like vaccinations, things like that. So it's always good to be mindful to be planned ahead and to think about all that. The next thing you want to think about is the budget. So what is my budget for going to this international park and who am I taking with me? And how much is it going to cost? We encourage you just like we would anyone else, any of our friends or family you want to plan ahead? You want to make sure you're saving for this trip. Don't put that on a credit card, unless you have access to funds to pay it off quickly and get rid of that debt. We don't encourage you to go into debt when traveling. Especially internationally because the cost can be a little bit higher doing that. Then domestically here in the U S so we encourage you to have a budget in mind. Think about how much do I want to spend. To go out of the country and to go visit these places and then plan accordingly. Maybe you want to do your trip next year or two years from now. And you're just going to start saving some money each and every month. So that, trip is fully paid for by the time it gets here. So we definitely encourage you put together a budget, make sure that you can afford it, make sure it's something that's feasible for you and your family, and try to stick within that budget. And we're going to give you tips and tricks on that as we go through this episode, as well as our planning episodes, because for me, I'm a tightwad my family jokes that I'm like a Scrooge and that I don't like to spend money and that I like. To make sure that it's as cost-effective as possible. And I will always hunt for the bargain or the best deal. And we're going to talk about that because that can get you in trouble, especially when you're traveling internationally. So watch for those tips and tricks here later in this episode. But because of that I'm always looking for the best deal. So there are good deals to be had, but you definitely want to stay within a budget and make sure that you can afford it. Part of that though, part of the way that you may be able to afford it, or may be able to get some perks are by looking at your credit cards knowing that when you travel internationally, usually visa, MasterCard are accepted anywhere you want to go. I would always check your discover card, your American express, if you carrying those, to make sure that those are accepted internationally to the place you're going. So you can always go Google that and check their websites, but be warned that when you do take a credit card internationally, you're going to be paying extra fees. Usually in the neighborhood of one to 2% per transaction. So it's not a lot. And it doesn't add up to be a ton over the course of your whole vacation, but do be warns that you're going to have some extra fees on that, but you can earn some cool things like miles or perks or other really cool opportunities with those cards, like sitting at the airport lounge. If you have an airport card or whatnot so those are all considerations when you're thinking about traveling internationally. So definitely check out those credit cards and if you're a rewards person like me, Where you like to get those rewards? I encourage you. Go look for opportunity to earn some rewards on that trip. That will definitely help you. Do know. So one specific call out that I have on this. And I did research on this purposely before this episode is that the Disney chase card. So we have the Disney chase card. To get discounts at all the Disney parks when we're out there as well as you can get cash back on your initial purchase, which can pay for your park tickets, which we absolutely love doing. And we've talked about that on our, how to save money episode. So definitely check that out. And I do have a link for the Disney chase below in the podcast description. But the Disney chase card is a great card for getting discounts at restaurants and our merchandise. But it does not work internationally for the discounts. You can use the card, it is a visa. So you can use it internationally at the other parts, but you don't get the same discount that you get here in the United States. So do be warned about that that Disney visa card is a great card to have, but it's not going to help you when you travel internationally to these other parks. So what kinds of things should you be considering when you're thinking about what parks do I want to go to? And when. So right out of the gates, the number one thing that I would tell people is, think about the weather. The good news is all of these parks. So Disney and universal are in the Northern hemisphere. Meaning north of the equator. Which means that they're on the same seasonal schedule as the United States. So winters the same. Three to four months, summer is the same period of time each year for all of these parks. So it's not like you're going to leave at Christmas time here in the U S and you're going to go to a park and it's going to be 85 degrees and sunny, and in their summer unless, maybe you go to Singapore that one's right on the equator pretty much. So that one's probably always hot. So that one. If you go to universal studios there you may not have to worry about winter, but if you're going to go in the winter time from the U S know that in Paris, in Tokyo, you are in the winter months there as well. So it's going to be cooler. It could be rainy. Take a look at the forecast out there, and you may be in their rain season where they're having monsoons come through or typhoons, which is their hurricane out there in the other parts of the world. So check those weather forecast before you go that may or may not dictate when you want to go as you're looking at those forecast. So if you find out that this place at this point in time, It's their rain season and they're getting inches every single day. That's going to be similar to Orlando. So if you go down to Orlando, you'd know that it rains almost every single day and during the summer. It is almost guaranteed. It's going to rain during the day at some point. Usually those rainstorms only lasts 30 to 45 minutes. And you can throw on a poncho and keep going check out the forecast there though. See if that's what's going to happen there. And if that's the time of year, you want to go, you may want to adjust it based on those weather conditions. A second. And I think this one is equally as important because this one did dictate when we were going to go to our first park is look at the holiday and the school calendar for that region of the world. What I mean by that is if you're going to go to Tokyo and search. Normal school calendar for that. Area for Tokyo. If you're going to go to Paris, look at the school calendar for Paris. If you're going to go. Any of these parks you want to look at what is their holiday schedule? So like here in the U S obviously in the spring, we usually have spring break sometime March or April we're off of school during the summer months. We have the fall months, which some places have fall break. Some don't we always have Thanksgiving, obviously. Thanksgiving is a us only holiday. Though, there may be other parts of the world that celebrates something at a similar time. I Thanksgiving specific to the U S so you want to find out about these things for example, out in Tokyo, they have golden week and golden week is actually a little bit longer than a week, and it is completely busy at the parks at that point in time, because. Everybody's off of school and work at that point in time. So you want to be looking for those kinds of things to make sure it doesn't coincide with your vacation and don't get me wrong. If that's the only time you can go is during Tokyo's golden week. Go ahead and go at golden week. Just know at the end of the day, it may be more busy than other times of year. So you're definitely going to want to search for different holidays and school schedules at these different places before you go. If you're able to avoid those busy times by all means, that's going to be a great time to go. You're going to have lower crowds. And we'll talk about that more on the next episode, because that actually helped us make our decision for the first park that we're going to be traveling to. So we'll talk about that then. Next I'd say plan on how long you want to be gone for. You're going to go to a really cool city that you may want to go explore, especially if you're going to like Paris. You may not only want to see Paris, but you may want to drive to some of these other countries and go experience the culture that's out there. Tokyo, obviously you've got all of Japan, it's an island, so you're not going to make it to mainland China, unless you take a plane. But if you did, and you went to Singapore or you went to Hong Kong, you may want to go travel and see some of China. So think about how long do I want to be there on the ground. And then you have to think about the fact that your flights are going to take a longer period of time. So that is something to consider as well as that your flights may take a day or two to get there, and it may take a day or two to get home. And if you're missing work, then you may only be able to be gone for a week or 10 days or two weeks or something like that. So definitely plan before you go, how long can we be gone? And I would encourage you. If you're able to travel internationally to a Disney or universal park, you want to aim for that time that you can take the most time off. A lot of companies. Depending on where you work may have a specials where you can get two extra weeks offered years of service or whatnot, where you can double them all up, or maybe you need to save up some vacation time. We're fortunate in our house because my wife is a school teacher, so she's off during the whole summer. So we're obviously always looking at summer months because she doesn't have to worry about taking any time off. I already know she's free and available. And so it only becomes my availability. And when can I take time off work? That we're contending with. So it makes it a little bit easier when planning, travel and vacation. Knowing that she's always got the summers off. So definitely think about how long you're going to be gone. Think about the other places you want to see, because Disney is not the end all be all of the world. There are some really cool things to see out there. But we are definitely focused on Disney. Think about how many days you want to be in the parks. Think about if if you're going to Tokyo, you may want to do a couple days at each of the parks, but you may also want to go to the universal park. That's not too far away as well. It's just a train ride away. So think about those kinds of things, how long you're going to be gone. And then that should all play back into your budget. And then what time of year you're going to go. And then how much time you can take off of work. Now, if you're going to Asia, keep in mind. So if you're going to Tokyo, you are not far from Shanghai, Hong Kong Singapore, or from Beijing, which was where all the other parks are. So you may, if you're able to take off a few weeks and just go plane, hop around and go hit all these cities. So that way you're only subjected to one really long flight and then a handful of short ones, and you're able to see all of it and get back home without having to do multiple trips. Now, if you're going to be gone a long time again, go back to the travel requirements. And take a look at how long you can be in these countries before you have to start getting visas or do other things. So definitely checked all that out before you go. But a tip there is, yeah. If you're going to be in Asia, you might as well hit as many of the parks as you can, and go check it all out. The next thing I'd recommend is once you've narrowed it down and you know where you want to go, then start learning about that park. So in particular, so when you're thinking about going to Disney, Tokyo, Disney, Paris, or Shanghai you want to look at, do I need park reservation? So here in the U S you still need reservations. Depending on your ticket type and they're starting to lift those, but internationally, they still have reservation requirements. As well as then, sometimes if you're staying onsite at, on the resort at the hotel there. You don't have reservation requirement, so you want to start figuring that kind of stuff out. Do I need reservations? What does that look like? And how do I go about getting those to get into the park? So check all of that out. And likewise, you're going to want to check out what the food looks like. So what restaurants are there, what are the best restaurants? And do I need reservations to get those restaurants now, knowing that most of the Disney parks are very consistent with this method? That yes, you're going to need reservations to get in. And they sometimes have a preset cost, or maybe you're going to be buying off the menu, check those kinds of things out, go into the apps and go online and check out all the cool restaurants. In fact, we did a lot of Google searches about our first destination. Regarding what are the best restaurants to eat at what are the best meals? So like we like to give that on our podcasts. There's a lot of food blogs out there that have that information already and we checked it all out. And in all honesty, everybody's going to have a different appetite for different cuisines and different flavors. And when we looked at it, we saw a lot of the restaurants. Yeah, they looked pretty good, but they didn't look like they were going to knock our socks off. So we've decided in a lot of cases that, Hey, we're going to do quick service. We're going to do carts. And then if we want to go sit down, we'll see if we can get on the wait list and check it all out. That way. We weren't too preoccupied with wanting to set reservations because we wanted to experience so many different elements of the park. We didn't want to tie ourselves down and figure do it would be just as much fun to go try some of these other quick service restaurants. Definitely. You're going to want to check out the food and decide if you want to do reservations. So these are all the kinds of things that you want to think about while you're planning your vacation. I would encourage you also start looking at airline tickets. So as you're looking at, from my home base, or do I want to fly from somewhere else that actually leads us into our first, I can do this all day tip of the day, which is when you're looking at airline tickets, it may be cheaper. To fly from a coastal city than it may be from where your home is. So if you've listened to this podcast for awhile, you know that we are in Denver, Colorado, so we are in the central us and yes, we can get direct flights to a lot of these cities. But they are substantially more expensive from Denver than if we were to fly from a coastal city. So as we're looking to go to Asia, it's cheaper for our family to fly from either LA or San Francisco than it is from Denver. And so we'd have to weigh that out. Is it cheaper enough to fly from LA that we can still get a flight to LA for pretty cheap and save some money there? Or is it better just to fly from Denver? And we'll give you some examples on our future episodes because I've already priced it for our first destination and it was significantly different. So I would encourage you definitely check that out on next week. On the next episode, as we talk about that first. Destination. So you'll want to be thinking about all the flights. Again, think about the hotels. You can check out the sites. And learn about the Disney hotels. If you're comfortable with it, you may stay offsite. You may want to look at transportation. So as you get there and you disembarked from the plane, how are you going to get to the resort? Is it going to be, you're going to take a taxi. Are you going to take a train? Or do they have a shuttle service or a bus? And we will talk about that next week as well because ours has a bus. So we're going to explain how that's going to work for us over there. Our second I can do this all day. Tip of the day is as you're looking at your flights and your arrivals and all that. You want to pay really close attention to what days you're flying in and out of. And the reason is. Is, we are in the U S we are at the end of the Dateline the time zone set up throughout the whole world. Meaning that once you get to Hawaii right after Hawaii is the international Dateline. And so basically everyone is ahead of us ahead of the U S meaning. If you go to Europe there anywhere five, seven hours ahead of the U S time zones from the east coast. If you go even further around to Asia, they may be another 12 hours ahead of that. And so as you fly out and you go to these destinations. There's no question. You're going to be losing time as you go forward. As you arrive there. So if you leave, say on a Saturday, you may not arrive until Sunday at that resort. And so don't book your hotel from Saturday. Because you don't need it on Saturday, you're going to be flying overnight. So you're going to book it from the day that you arrive, so that could save you some money. Because a lot of people think we're leaving on Saturday. I'll book my hotel for Saturday. No, you probably need to book it for Sunday. Because you're going to be arriving on Sunday, so definitely pay attention to when you leave and when you arrive and then coming home, you gain all that time back. From the time you leave the airport to the time you land in the us, mainly be a few hours difference. So you can leave on a Saturday and get back to the U S that same Saturday in the evening. So that may save you some time there, or may change your plans as to where you're going to be in the U S and do you need a hotel that night? So definitely you're going to want to plan accordingly to the days that you leave and arrive and how that all works out. So definitely check those out. And then our third and final, I can do this all day tip of the day. And we'll talk about this more on the next episode as well is I will highly encourage you though. I am a Scrooge and I am always looking for ways to save money. You want to 100% of the time book through the site directly that you're going to be engaging with. So whether that's your airline ticket. So if you're flying United internationally, you want to fly and book through United do not go to the third party sites, do not go to Hotwire, Priceline kayak. Don't use those sites at all. And the reason is, as we did our research for this episode and our research for us traveling internationally. I read hundreds of horror stories and I'm talking awful horror stories of people who said, Hey, I went to this Disney resort in this country. And I booked it all through Hotwire. I booked it all through orbits or one of these third-party sites and I'm not disparaging. I'm not saying that one's better than the other. I'm just saying that's what they use as a third party site. And when they arrived either they didn't have the reservation or it was for the wrong type of room or they had the wrong number of beds in the room. Or I, on the flight side, I saw that they didn't have their baggage counted for. And so they had to pay baggage fees or they didn't. Assigned seats. And so the families got split up. Throughout the plane. So they're all sitting in different spots on the plane. Don't go through the hassle of that. What you want to do is you want to go directly to that website book with that website, with that airline. So that way are my bags paid for already? Or do I need to pay for bags? They're going to tell you that as you're checking out and going through the whole process, did I select my seats? So is this an assigned seat airline, which most of them are though? We love Southwest. Southwest is only domestic us. And then. Down into Mexico and some of the Caribbean areas they don't assign seats, but everyone else does. So did I get a seat assignment next to my family? And did we get that all picked out and ready to go? Or if I didn't, is that going to be assigned at random when we get to the gate and we're going to be all split up. So you want to make sure that you're booking directly with these companies, because that gives you recourse. That is something that my wife and I have spent a lot of time talking about in our past travels, because there's been times that one of us or the other one of us booked something through a third party site. And then we had trouble. So we got to where we were going. Things didn't work out the way that we thought. And then we would talk to them and they would say, no, you need to go talk to the third-party site. We don't have anything to do with this. And this is what you're stuck with. And we were stuck. That happened multiple times. We were stuck. So we developed our own philosophy. We're just not going to do it anymore. We always booked direct. But with the stories that I read traveling internationally, that was just multiplied times 10 with people in new countries, not knowing where they were not having anyone to advocate for them or help them or talk to them. And they're stuck without a room or stuck without the right number of beds. Without transportation and they can't get it figured out and it was just a mess. So I encourage you always book directly with the site and the group that you're trying to travel with. And like I said, we'll talk about that more next week, because that's what we did. And I'm going to walk you through some examples of what we found. So with that, I want to encourage you guys. Please take the time. Think about it, travel international, go see some really cool places and cool countries. Experience different cultures. And then listen to this episode series that we go through and talk about each one of the places we go to. And we'll give you the tips and tricks about where we're going, how we got our airline tickets, where we booked, and I will walk you through examples, especially if you're watching us on YouTube, you're going to see it on video. We'll talk about all the different selections that we had available to us and the choices we ultimately made. So we'll take you through every single example that we have done so far and. And show that all to you. So really cool opportunity to see firsthand how to do all this. So with that, we wish you a magical week. We hope you have a great next vacation. Again, we've got 80 other episodes out there that you can listen to for domestic us travel and they have great tips and tricks. So we encourage you to go check those out and we'll talk to you guys next time. Bye. Bye. Exit Theme Music

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