A Dryer Dose of Disney

Traveling to Disneyland Paris Tips and Tricks

Jared Dryer Season 5 Episode 7

In this week's video, Jared gives tips and tricks for traveling to Disneyland Paris and into the city to see the amazing landmarks!

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A Dryer Dose of Disney has the top Disney and Universal tips and tricks and will make your vacation more enjoyable. Hosted by Jared Dryer, the Dryer family has over 100 trips to the Disney and Universal parks and they are experts in how to avoid the crowds, and the best paces to eat! They love to say "I Can Do This All Day" when talking about their love of the Disney and Universal Parks!

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On this week's episode of a Dryer Dose of Disney, Jared shares with us some travel tips and tricks when going to Paris. Intro Music Welcome to this week's episode of a Dryer Dose Of Disney. I'm your host, Jared dryer, and we're back. So we've been traveling the last few weeks of the summer. So we went to Disneyland Paris, which you know about from our previous episodes, as well as when we got back immediately, we turned around and went to Orlando, to our condo down there at a Dryer dose of Disney and spent a few weeks in Orlando doing what we do, going to the Disney and universal parks and having a great time with friends and family down there and just really celebrating all. Things Disney. And we had a fantastic time. So we are back now. We are back in Denver, back home and getting back to our regular schedule. So we've got a handful of really great episodes that are going to be coming your way over the next few weeks as we get you caught up on our summer and all the cool things that we did. But before we dive into today's episode, which we're going to talk to you today. About traveling back and forth to Paris. So we gave you some updates a few weeks ago about the planning to travel to Paris Disneyland. And then a few weeks ago, we also gave you an episode where we talked about the differences between Disneyland in Paris and the Disney parks in the United States. And today we're going to talk about some travel specific. So these are some of the. Best practices. Some of the things that we learned along the way. Some of the things we liked, some of the things we didn't like and things that you need to prepare for, if you're going to be traveling to Paris to go to Disneyland Paris. So we've got a really fun episode for you today. But before we dive in, let's go ahead and hit that pause button and find that subscribe button and smash that. So that way you're going to be subscribed to our content. As we get episodes released to you, hopefully each week, we do have a few weeks of episodes coming for you. And then we may take another break as we plan our next international trip. But a lot of cool things coming. So definitely you're going to want to subscribe to wherever you're listening to this podcast. Or if you're watching it on YouTube. And then we do ask, Hey, if there are any tips or tricks that saved you some time or money support us over at Patreon, you can find that down in the links, in the podcast description below or on the YouTube description. And every little bit helps us keep this podcast going. So we thank you for your support there. And then in addition to that, at our highest tier, we do have our best ever Disney tip or trick. And it's going to teach you how to skip some of the lines there. So if you want to get that's going to be at our top tier. And then you can see over my shoulder here, we've got the, I can do this all day tip of the day merchandise, which is a really cool logo. It doesn't say anything about the podcast is just a cool logo that you can wear to Disney. We've got some cool merchandise out there with shirts, backpacks, and all that over on our Etsy shop. So you can also find that down in the links below. So go ahead and check that out and support the show that way too. Every time we wear that gear to the parks. We always get comments. People are like, love the shirt, love the logo because it looks like captain America shield. And it says I can do this all day with the Disney park in the center. And it's just a really cool logo. So we have a lot of fun with that. So definitely check that out over on Etsy. But. Let's talk about the next episodes that are going to be coming your way. So we've got a next week. We'll be talking to you about the refurbishment of Tiana's. And so this is the old splash mountain ride and the changes there. So we are going to talk about that. And then we did our anniversary dinner this year at Tepan Edo over in Japan at Epcot, which is the hibachi restaurant. So we're going to give you some updates on that. And then we had some family that came out and visited us this summer. And for the first time ever, we rented a wheelchair at the park. So we're going to talk about our experience, renting a wheelchair and what that was like navigating the park. So some cool episodes coming for you over the next few weeks. But like I said, today, we're going back to Paris. We're going to talk to you about the travel to Paris and how that all went, what we liked, what we didn't like and really highlights some really cool tips and tricks for you here in this episode. With that let's jump right into it. As you guys know in June, we went to Paris for a week and went to Disneyland Paris and spent a couple of days in the parks, as well as we went to the city and visited the city, which it was just absolutely incredible. It was a trip of a lifetime. And it was funny because we were talking about within our family. So between my wife and I, we were actually the first ones to ever go to Europe. So that was a cool experience for us to be the first ones in our family to go to Europe and to go try it all out and trust me when I say. It was totally safe. It was easy to do. Wasn't complex. It wasn't difficult at all. And we had a great time and we got to see all the famous sites and we absolutely loved it. So we will definitely be going back to Europe sometime soon in the future. We've talked about some cruises we want to do and seeing all the different parts of Europe. So lots of exciting things that are going to be coming for us in the next few years. And of course, we definitely want to do Tokyo Disney. Shanghai and Hong Kong as well. So we'll be giving you all those updates, but we loved Europe. We thought it was an amazing trip. So we definitely would encourage our listeners, go check it out if you've never been it's so cool to go over there and to see all the cool sites and all the cold landmarks and the cool history and the art and all that. So lots of exciting things over there, and we got to experience it all in Paris. And so we're going to. Talk to you about how to get in and out of the city and what we saw and the best practices. Like I said, there. So my first tip for you is that obviously if you're going to travel internationally, you're going to want to get your passports set up. That's going to take you a little while to get done if you've never done it before, and that's going to be for everyone in your party, including all the kids and whatnot there. And to do that, you can do it through your local post office. That's how we did it. We went online to the post office website and set some appointments to go in. You're going to need to take things like birth certificates or driver's licenses, and that you're going to have the whole packet all filled out, ready to go. It's a pretty easy process. You do need to bring your passport photos with you. So do get those in advance. You can do those at Walmart Sam's club used to do it. I don't know if the one in your area does Walgreens usually does it. So if you can find a store that does passport photos for you, that'll make it real easy. But you're going to take all that in and you're going to drop it all off at the post office. They're going to notarize everything and send that in for you. And it takes a few weeks. It took us about six to eight weeks to get our passports back. So you definitely want to start this. In advance of your traveling and not only just so that you're prepared for your travel, but even when you're booking your travel, sometimes they will ask you for your passport information so that they know that you're ready to go. So you're going to want to do this well in advance. Now for most adults, you do get a 10-year window with your passport for kids. You're only going to get a five-year window. And most places you travel to, we'll cut you off six months before your passport expires. So you're definitely going to want to be aware of that, that if your passport, if you already have one and it's coming up on its expiration date, they're probably not going to let you travel if it's very close to the end of that. So again, I would get out there and get it renewed. Get it ready to go and make sure you plan your passport stuff well in advance. And then once you have it, like I said, the kids are good for five years. Adults are good for 10 years. You've got a really good window that you can travel in. And we've had ours for years because we like to cruise and we go to all the different islands. And so it was real easy for us because we didn't have to do anything special for this trip. So you're going to want to get that well in advance. We're going to start though, after the passports, talking about our flights and we talked a little bit about this on the episode where we said we were planning our trip and I want you to know what we did is we planned our flights and I looked for the best price possible. And I found a discount airline called French Bee. That flies out of Newark airport, out of New Jersey or out of Miami. And that will go directly to Paris. But for us, we live in Denver. So we had to get flights out to those cities first. And we ended up going through New York city and thought, Hey, it'd be cool to see the city there as well. And so we got all that planned with a connecting flight to New York, and then we had to traverse to another airport. And then we took French Bee over to Paris, which was an easy flight. It wasn't difficult. We'll get into that more in just a second, but when you're flying to Paris, you need to know that most flights from the states are going to be what they call red eye flights. And a red eye flight is a flight that you leave usually. In the evening sometime, and you're going to fly overnight during the dark hours. And you're going to arrive at Paris the next day in the morning, or usually midday over there for our flight.

We left at 11:

00 PM and we got into Paris at about noon the following day. And so you're supposed to, if you're able to sleep on that flight. And our experience was, it was very difficult to sleep on the flight. As the attendants are going up and down the aisles. They're giving out food, giving out drinks. You've got people playing movies and don't get me wrong. The movies don't really bother you, but there are just some ambient light around the plane. But there's a lot of movement going on the plane now. With three of us, we sat in one row together with just the three seats off to the side. And my wife and daughter over towards the window in the middle, I always sit on the aisle and I will say sitting on the aisle, I had constant. Nudges and bumps from people walking up and down the aisle to go use the restroom or just to stretch their legs a little bit. So it was very difficult to sleep on an aisle seat. I can tell you if you're up against the window where you can lean against the wall or something, that may be a little bit more easier. But it's difficult to sleep on these flights. So do know that is going to be a challenge for you when you go more often than not. And the jet lag the time difference is going to mess you up a little bit. So plan on your first day when you get to the parks or get to your destination, that you're not going to want to go full bore and go do a full day at the parks. Like I said, we got in at noon, we got over to our hotel and our goal was to stay up as late as possible. To eight or nine o'clock at night. So we could go to bed like normal and get up the next day, like we normally would for a park day. That was our goal. We did not succeed at all. By about five o'clock we were nodding off and we'd been up for almost 36 hours straight and we were just very tired and we were ready to go to bed. So we ended up falling asleep at about 6:00 PM.

And I woke up at 4:

00 AM and I laid there got online and searched online for a little bit. And then got up for my normal day at about six and got ready for the parks. And we had a great first day over there at Disneyland Paris. So that was awesome. But know that you are going to get a little jet lag or a little bit of that time difference impacting you. So if you can stay up as late as possible. That's best. Now we noticed more on the way home, the travel fatigue is what I would call it. On the way home we left mid-afternoon from Paris. We flew back to New York. We got in late at New York, which meant we couldn't fly home to Denver from there. We had to wait until the next day. So we had a hotel on Manhattan. And actually went and saw some of the sites in New York before we flew back. But by the time we flew back and got back to Denver myself, my family, we were tired. We were done. We did not want to travel anymore. So know that if you're going to do connecting flights and all that, it is a bit of a hassle. You may save money. It saved us about $3,000 in total. By breaking up our flights that way, which was totally worth it to me. But it really did wear us out. And by the end of the trip I was done and I wanted to be back home. So know that if you're going to split it up that way, you're going to run into things like that. If I were to do it over again, my wife asked, would you go direct from Denver, which we could have done. And I said, it's a debate. Yeah. It would've been really nice to do, but it would have been a lot more expensive for us. You're going to have to make that decision for yourself, but know that you are going to get some jet lag. You are going to get some time differences. But it's totally feasible. You can do it like we did break it up, go on French Bee, save some money there. And that may help you afford your trip a little bit better. Now we talked about the goals of staying up as late as you can, when you're coming back. Just because you're going to fly usually afternoon or evening, or maybe even in the morning, you're going to get back only a couple of hours after you left. At that point, you're just going to have one long day and you're going to be able to go to bed at night, like normal, versus going the other way, where that was much, much more impactful because it was almost 36 hours that we were up. And we were very tired when we got there. So that's just the flight side of it. Again with French Bee it was just a normal economy type flight. We didn't have laid down seats. We didn't have these sleep pods or anything like that. You may see on YouTube or some of the other podcasters doing out there that are really cool and really comfortable. It was just a normal seat and about a seven hour flight. So we survived it. Totally fine. Then there was a few hundred people on the flight, so they all survived it as well. So once we got there let's talk about what happened and how we had transportation to the park. You're going to go through customs. You're going to go get all your luggage and do all that like normal. That was very easy. All the signs were in English and French. So it was very easy to navigate the airport that wasn't difficult at all. When we booked our trip over to Paris and Disneyland we went through the Disney site and booked a Disney hotel as well as we booked a transportation through Disney. So that's the magic shuttle that runs between the Paris airports and the Disneyland park. And that was really easy and that is something I highly recommend you do. And the reason is, the cost for that magic shuttle per person. Was very close to what you'd be paying for a train ride, which is the cheapest form of transportation. If you did a taxi or an Uber out there it would be more than double or triple that amount. So I would definitely recommend the magic shuttle. It does take a while because they do visit the multiple terminals at the airport and then come all the way up to Disney and go to all the hotels. It took us a little bit more than an hour in the traffic to get out to Disneyland Paris. But it was definitely worth it. Like I said, the cost was much less. Than doing other forms of transportation, it's all Disney theme. They had videos playing on the bus and it was very straightforward and easy. That is something that I highly recommend. Now, when you're thinking about the buses? The one thing to realize is it is about an hour between each bus that comes through the airport or takes you to the hotel. And that's not necessarily due to the travel time. Like I said, it is about an hour drive. They have multiple buses running. The buses always do run on time, which is really nice. They were on the minute on time. They would leave right when they were scheduled to leave. And you can find that schedule online through the Disney land Paris website and the magic shuttle over there. But they do run once an hour and right next to our hotel. So we stayed at hotel, Santa Fe. They have a gas station and there's always two or three of these magic shuttle buses sitting there. And then every hour, when it's time for them to go again, they would pull out of the gas station, pull in front of the hotel, pick you up and go. So they always had buses in reserve. So that way, if there was ever a traffic incident or anything like that, they had ones ready to go for you and ready to pick you up. So that was great. The buses were always on time and. Very easy to deal with. You could look at doing a travel by train, which a lot of people, especially the locals do, but I will tell you from Disneyland Paris to get to the airports, you're going to be doing multiple transfers at multiple stops to get to the right place. And the cost of the magic shuttle per person is very close to what you're going to be paying for. The trains, if you're going to do that many trains in that many stops. So I recommend just do magic shuttle. It's that much easier. Like I said, they leave every hour. So it's very convenient to get out to the airports and back. And so it's going to save you a lot of time. It's gonna save you stress and the money cost isn't that much different. So I definitely recommend doing that. The next thing we bought through Disney. To go see the city of Paris was they have some tours available, so you can take a tour. On a double Decker bus, or you can take a river cruise. That's going to take you up the main river there through Paris, and you're going to see a lot of the sites there. Now, when you set this up through Disney you're going to pick your day. You're going to pay for your people and you're going to choose which type of excursion you want to do. We decided on our first city day, we wanted to do this. And that actually was a really great idea. Because it oriented us to the city really well. So I highly recommend doing one of these tours. I will say between the two, I would do the bus. The bus is a better tour in the sense you're going to see more on the bus. You're going to see the city. You're going to see the architecture. You can get to more of the sites on the bus. Where the cruise is going to go right up the river. And you're only going to see things from the river. What was funny was when we booked it. Again, it was through Disney. So Disney arranged all the transportation. When we rode out there to go board our bus was full of people from Disney and every other person on our bus was going on the river cruise, which was surprising. We were the only family that went on the bus. And once we went through and did it all, we were surprised with how much we saw, how much we loved it, where the other people that were on our bus came back and said, yeah, we saw a couple of things. We saw the Eiffel tower. We saw a few of the landmarks, but they didn't see as much as we did. So definitely would recommend you to do the double Decker bus tour. If you're going to do that. Now, like I said, they did a Disney took care of all the transportation. What was very surprising to us is these two were start early in the

morning, usually 9:

00 AM or so running through the city and then they go till late in the evening until it stark. The tour bus picked us up at about 10:30 AM. Like I said, it takes about an hour to get back into the city. So we didn't get there till about 1130, almost noon. We went on our tour, but they wanted us to be back at the site to get back on

the bus, to go back to Disney by 6:

00 PM. So we only really had about a six hour window to get out there and to see everything. So that was a little bit surprising that they didn't give us the full day and they didn't let us experience the full city. The way that some people may have wanted to. So it was a little bit cut back on time. Now, when you're looking at these tours what else was surprising to us was online. The bus tour says it takes about two hours to make a full loop through the 10 or so stops. That you're going to go see, and those 10 stops are the iconic landmarks that you know about. So you're going to see the Eiffel tower. You're going to see the Arc de Triumph. You're going to see the Louvre. You are going to see Notre Dame. You're going to see the Bastille. We saw Moulin Rouge as we went through the city. So there's a lot of cool places you're going to see. Typically, unless you get a special bus, you're not going to go to Versailles. That's a little bit further outside of the city. But everything else that's in the city, all the famous landmarks that you've heard about or read about or seen movies on you're going to see on the double Decker bus as you go through the city. So that's really cool. But like I said online, it said that the full tour would take about two hours. So when we got on at about noon, we thought, okay, two hours, we're going to have plenty of time. We have six total hours that we can stop at some of these sites. Take some pictures, maybe go get some food, get some lunch and really see Paris. What was surprising again was the fact that it took us over four hours to get through the full loop. We were very glad after the first couple of stops that we went on, that we did not get off. And the reason we were glad is we realized that the traffic was a lot busier than we thought it would be. And this was on a normal weekday while the kids are in school. This cause they're in school during June. We were surprised the traffic was pretty bad. It took us a while to get between the sites and it took us about four to four and a half hours just riding on the bus. To get around to all of the stops and get back to where we originally started. So do keep in mind if you're going to do this, I would not. Advise you to think that it's only going to be two hours. It's going to be much, much more than two hours to get around to all of them. And then if you want to stop. If I get off the bus, which you can, they have buses that come about every 10 to 15 minutes to every stop. And you just get back on the next one. You can go see the sites and we did get off at Notre Dame. We went and saw the cathedral over there and it was really cool. And we went down a couple of back streets over there and found a great place to go have some lunch and had probably the best food we ever had in Paris and our entire stay. Doing that. So I recommend go find a great place to eat. But Notre Dame was the only place we got off the bus other than where we started and stopped which was the Arc de triumph. And then the Eiffel tower and the reason was, is because the Olympics, the path was broken. And so they had to shuttle us between the two sites there because of the Olympics and everything that was going on there. So we did have those two stops that we were out of the bus at the arc and out of the Eiffel tower, but the Notre Dame was the only other place we got off. We did think initially we wanted to get off at the Louvre and run into the Louvre and go find the Mona Lisa and some of the other famous pieces of art. But looking at the line, when we got to the Louvre, we were like, there's no way we're going to get through this line. There's no way we're going to get into the museum and find stuff and get back in time. So we decided not to do it. And we were so glad we decided not to. We had another day planned for Paris. So we said, this is what we'll come back and do. We'll go to the Louvre on the next day and not worry about it today. And I'm so glad we made that decision because the tour did take quite a while to get through. Now the really cool thing about the double Decker bus tour. Is of course you can sit upstairs. You can sit in the bottom. Whichever one you prefer. We did sit up top. It was a nice sunny day. I wore my hat because you can see with my bald head, if you're watching us on YouTube, that I probably would've gotten burned. But I definitely love being up there in the sun. And then they give you a headset that you can plug into your seat. Cause every single seat had a Jack and you could plug into the headphone Jack. And on there you could select your language and the tour was telling you about what you were seeing as you drove by. So they were telling you either about the architecture, about the district, about the landmark you were going to, or just leaving. And it was really informative and it's all in English. So that was totally awesome. So absolutely loved that piece of it because we got a great amount of history and a great amount of information just by riding the bus and seeing all this stuff. So that was really, cool. Again, I would recommend if you're going to go out there. Definitely choose the double Decker bus. You're going to see a little bit more and it's a great thing to go see, like I said, the city and get yourself oriented to the city because the city is huge. It is absolutely huge. It actually surprised us with how big the city was with as much as we were driving around. Now, when we met back at the Eiffel tower, which was our original stopping point. We had about 30, 40 minutes left to tell the pickup time for the Disney shuttle was ready to go. So we walked around the Eiffel tower. We went down to the river. We checked out all the cool stuff around there and it was absolutely amazing. But when it came time to leave to go back to Disney I'm going to warn you. You need to be on time. You need to be ready to go. So we were there about 10 minutes early. And the bus driver was already out there collecting tickets, getting everyone checked in, getting everyone on the bus. And as soon as that six o'clock hour hit. They pulled out and they left and unfortunately there was a family left behind. And the only reason we know that is about halfway through our drive on the way back. So about 30, 40 minutes into it. The person that was hosting up at the front kind of phone call, because they did give out their cell phone number. And it was the family that was left and they said, where are you in? And they got into a large argument and everyone on the bus heard it. So it was comical. But they did leave on time, like they said, and if you weren't there, you had to get a taxi or find your way back. To Disneyland Paris on your own. So do know that they were very prompt in that. Now, if you know a lot about French culture you'll know that they're very relaxed and usually not necessarily always on time. I will say that the Disney buses and shuttles and all that were very regimented and they did leave 100% on time on the nose every single time. Be prepared for that, that you do need to be there in advance, ready to go. Otherwise they will leave you behind. But, like I said, there was more to see in Paris and we were so glad we did that bus tour because we got oriented to where everything was and we knew where we wanted to go back to the next day. Like I said, we knew we wanted to see the Louvre. We also wanted to see the museum de Orsay, because that had some really cool artwork there. And they've got a lot of van Gogh. If you love the impressionist type paintings and van Gogh and all that. There's a lot of really cool art there. So we knew we wanted to see the two museums, but we knew we didn't need to go back to the Eiffel tower or to the arc of de triumph or to Notre Dame. Again. So we knew where we wanted to go. Now what we decided to do on the second day. Was we decided to take the train from Disneyland Paris into the city and to go see these museums. And I will tell you that was so easy to do. We actually re we're starting to think will, would it have been better for us to get out there and do the bus tour on our own, which we'll talk about here in a few moments, but they have a train station at Disneyland Paris, and I mean at the site of Disneyland Paris. So when the hotel shuttles drop you off at Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney studios they're very similar to Disneyland, California, where the two parks are right next to each other. And you can go into either of the venues. From the same area. But they also have a train station there. So the shuttle drops you off right in front of the parks, the train stations, a hundred yards away. You can walk and get into the train station and you can ride the train. Now the best part is this train station is the last one on its line. So when you go in there, there's only one direction to go. It's very easy to navigate. You just need to go buy yourself a ticket and get down there and you can hop on that train and it's a dozen or so stops to get into Paris and to get into where. The Louvre museum is, and if you go online and just look at their website, it's very easy to navigate it's in English. If you're using an English based. System or computer, you can select the language and it's super easy to navigate. So not difficult at all. In fact, if you've ever been into any of these big cities with a subway system, So whether it's New York or you've been to Washington DC. Which we have done both. I actually thought that the Paris train station was easier to navigate than those. But nonetheless, it's very similar in nature. You need to know what line you're on and you need to know what stop you're going to get off on. And everything is so easy to understand. They have boards that tell you what the next stop is. And as soon as you get there, you just get off and you can walk to your destination. It was also very inexpensive. It was only a couple of dollars for each one of us each way to get there. We did buy a round trip ticket, which made it real easy as well. So it was awesome to do. In addition to that, the train is faster than if you took a bus or a cab due to not having to fight traffic. So the train only took us about 40 minutes to get to from Disneyland into the city and vice versa. When we came back versus about an hour when we took the buses back and forth between the airport or between our tour that we did with Disney. It's very straightforward, very easy. We got to our stop, which was actually one of the central points in Paris, where they have multiple lines crossing. And again, it was very easy to navigate. And in fact, when you're going home back to Disney land, because we stayed. At a Disney hotel. They have little mouse icons next to the train that tells you which one goes to Disney. So it was easy to follow the arrows and the signs, even though a lot of it's in French, they do have English on there. But it was easy. You just had to find the Mickey head and just follow that. And it took you right to the right platform. And it's the last stop. So you just get on that train and it takes you all the way out there. So super easy now. Like I said earlier, Paris is very, spread out, but the two museums that we wanted to see were very close. So we got off the train, we walked to both of them. We walked and had lunch and we also walked around the river area there and saw all the cool shops and sites. And it was amazing. We absolutely loved Paris. In fact, I will go as far to say that on our trip to Paris, my family, and I enjoyed our time in the city and seeing the museums and seeing the architecture and the landmarks more than we enjoyed going to Disney, which. Is shocking to say because we're huge Disney fans. And of course we absolutely love Disney. But the Disneyland Paris parks are so close to the California parks. We've been there. We've done that and to see Paris for the first time and to go see all those cool landmarks in history. Was absolutely amazing. And on top of it, I'm a big art fan and I love the different famous pieces that were out there. So we spent a few hours at the Louvre walking around and seeing all the different wings of the museum and all the famous artwork. And they have really cool maps there that highlight all the most famous pieces and where they're at. So it was really easy to navigate. And then when we went across over to the museum de Orsay a it's a smaller museum, we walked the entire thing in a couple hours, but we got a chance to see some really cool paintings from some really cool artists that are. Very famous and it was absolutely amazing. So definitely a once in a lifetime experience, we got a lot of cool pictures. Those are on our Facebook out there. If you want to go check those out. But we absolutely loved our time in Paris. So that leads us to our, I can do this all day tip of the day. And this one is actually it's in hindsight, after we were out there and after we visited, we realized we shouldn't have bought our double Decker bus tour through Disney though. That was convenient and easy and it made it super convenient in the sense of, I didn't have to think about it. It would have been a lot cheaper, would have saved us a couple hundred bucks if we did it ourselves. Meaning if the day we wanted to go do the tour, which again, I'd recommend you do it. On your first day in the city to orient yourself and see all the cool sites and know which ones you want to come back to. We could have gone earlier. So instead of leaving at 10 30 and getting in at about noon, we could

have hopped the first train at 8:

00 AM or whatnot and gotten in by 9:00 AM. When the tours were starting. With all those stops, you can buy tickets at any stop and hop on the next bus that comes and you can ride around on the buses run all day. Like I said, about every 10 to 15 minutes. So whichever stop was most convenient to that next train station, we could have found the bus there and hopped on and started our tour there on our own. Like I said, it would have saved us a ton of money. It would have saved us time waiting in traffic. It would have been not only quicker, but easier to do. And we would have probably had more time to see more. So if you want to get off at each one, And you want to take some more pictures? You're going to want more time, because like I said, we only had six hours with the Disney tour and it took us about four to four and a half to get through just the driving portion. Let alone, not even getting out of the bus and going to have food or going to see anything. I would recommend, definitely take the train and go into the city on your own and go see all that. Now I said earlier in the episode, I'm glad we did the bus on the first day, I would encourage you make the bus the first day of your, actual time in Paris. And the train is easy. So just go on their website and definitely figure that out. If you want to come back on another day and do the river cruise, you definitely could do that. You're going to see some of the same stuff you're going to see on the bus. A little bit of a different experience and they may tell you something different about the city that we didn't hear. But if you have multiple days, then you could definitely do multiple tours. In addition to that, there are special tours that go to Versailles. So I would recommend if that's something you want to see. You can have another day and go take a couple trains or whatnot, or even go to the center of the city and take the special double Decker bus that goes to Versailles. And you could go see Versailles. So that would be really cool. So with that. We hope that you have a very magical week as you're planning your next vacation. And we will talk to you next time as we review Tiana's bye-bye. Exit Music

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